Fossils Meanings

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Fossil Meanings

Transition, transformation, personal growth

Chakras: Base, Solar Plexus

Element: Storm, Earth

Zodiac Signs: Capricorn, Virgo

Number: 8

Fossils Crystal Healing Properties

Fossils are a wonderful tool to assist you in moving from the old to the new and to be receptive to the fresh, innovative forces that are available to you. Fossils can assist you in your quest for transition, transformation and personal growth, helping you to understand the process of change. They can help you instil quality and excellence in your environment.

History and Uses

Fossils (from Latin fossus, literally having been dug up) are the mineralised or otherwise preserved remains or traces of animals, plants, and other organisms. In ancient times they were believed to be a gift from the stars and were revered by many cultures. Because of their age they have been used throughout the centuries as a talisman for protection and long life.

Geological Description

Fossilisation is actually a rare occurrence because organic materials tend to decompose and the process requires the relatively quick preservation of bodily remains. Normally, the remains need to be covered by sediment or trapped in resin as soon as possible. However, there are exceptions to this, such as if an organism comes to rest in an anoxic (without oxygen) environment at the bottom of a lake. The oldest known structured fossils date from 3.5 billion years ago. There are several different types of fossils and fossilisation processes including permineralisation, mold or replacement fossils, compression fossils, resin fossils and trace fossils. Many fossils available on the market are from Morocco, which has vast deposits of Devonian Limestone which date back three hundred fifty million years ago. Other areas prominent for fossils are China, the USA, Germany, Canada, Russia and Australia.


I will allow myself to open to the process of change and all the possibilities it brings.

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