Black Tourmaline Herkimer Pendulum
I’d love to tell you about this beautiful Black Tourmaline Herkimer Diamond Pendulum. This pendulum is made with a polished black tourmaline stone and a natural herkimer diamond. The black tourmaline is known for its protective and grounding energy, while the herkimer diamond is thought to amplify mental clarity. This combination of stones makes the perfect pendulum for divination, connecting the wearer to their highest spiritual guidance. The pendulum hangs from a silver plated chain with a little clear quartz ball at the end.
A pendulum makes a great gift for someone special!
How does a pendulum work? First establish what is ‘Yes’ and what is ‘No’ with your pendulum. Your pendulum will swing in a different direction for each response. You can only ask questions that will prompt a ‘Yes’ or a ‘No’ answer. Keep still, focus on your request out loud or inwardly and your pendulum is believed to guide you with an answer.
When in doubt refer to a pendulum!
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Explore our full range of pendulums here.
Black Tourmaline Meanings
Purification, Protection
Chakra: Base
Birthstone: October
Element: Earth
Zodiac Signs: Capricorn, Sagittarius
Wedding Anniversary: 8th year, 38th year
Number: 3
Black Tourmaline Crystal Healing Properties
Black Tourmaline has the ability to transmute and purify negative energy, protecting ones energy field against attachments, entities, and energetic debris. It is grounding and supportive, assisting one to overcome chronic stress or worry. Black Tourmaline helps to purify the body of toxins and wastes. It provides protection from electromagnetic energy and is useful to place near computers.
Black Tourmaline History and Uses
Tourmaline has been known since ancient times, a likeness of Alexander the Great carved in India in the 2nd or 3rd century BC has been found. It is the only gemstone which has such a wide variety of colours including red, pink, green, black, blue, violet, yellow and brown. This amazing crystal is pyroelectric and piezoelectric and Dutch traders would rub them and use them to pull the ashes from their meerschaum pipes, hence their name aschentrekkers or ash pullers.
Black Tourmaline Geological Description
Black Tourmaline is a complex borosilicate with a hardness of 7 to 7.5. Its crystal pattern is hexagonal (trigonal) with prismatic crystals and striations running parallel to the main axis. The major areas that Tourmaline is found include Brazil, USA, Africa, Madagascar, Sri Lanka and Russia.
When I am grounded I feel protected and safe.
Herkimer Diamond Meanings
Dreams, visions, purification, spiritualization of physical life
Chakras: Third Eye, Crown, Etheric
Element: Storm
Zodiac Signs: Libra, Aquarius
Number: 3
Herkimer Diamond Crystal Healing Properties
Herkimer Diamonds stimulate inner vision and assist mediation, astral travel and psychic sensitivity. They assist in bringing the Light of Spirit into dark places, purifying and cleansing the energetic field by removing blockages and debris. They are also believed to support one’s eyesight and stamina. As amplifiers they will increase the energy output of any other stone.
Herkimer Diamond History and Uses
Herkimer Diamonds are named after the county in New York USA where they were first found in the late 18th century. They are also called Middleville Diamond or Little Falls Diamonds. These crystals are double or triple terminated very clear quartz which form like an embryo growing very slowly suspended in water inside a vug hole or pocket in the rock. They can be found with inclusions of minerals or water bubbles.
Herkimer Diamond Geological Description
Herkimer Quartz Diamonds are a silicon dioxide mineral with a hardness of 7.5. They are short, double terminated with highly glossy surfaces and often occur in skeletal shaped formations. They are found in Herkimer, New York, USA.
I call forth my deepest dreams and highest visions and commit myself to attaining and grounding in the physical world the highest possible spiritual energies.