Pistachio Calcite Sphere
This Pistachio Calcite Sphere shows off gorgeous colours of natural green. This rare variety of Calcite is only found in Pakistan and was discovered quite recently. It is very similar to its cousin Caribbean Calcite.
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Green Calcite Meanings
Relaxation, emotional balancer, release of stress and resentment, connection with the heart
Chakra: Heart
Elements: Fire, Water
Zodiac Signs: Cancer, Virgo, Capricorn
Number: 3
Green Calcite Crystal Healing Properties
Green Calcite brings a renewed sense of purpose and vitality and a desire to make positive change in ones life. It encourages forgiveness of oneself and others and brings softness to the heart, stimulating compassion. It brings a general air of health, energy and well being to the aura and can assist in releasing buried emotions from the heart that may have manifested into physical disease.
Calcite History and Uses
Calcite gets its name from the Greek word “chalix” meaning lime. It comes in a wide variety of colours including, red, green, orange, yellow, blue, pink, clear, black and white. It is one of the most common minerals on Earth, making up the basis of limestone and marble, it takes many different forms and is formed in many different geological environments. Some forms fluoresce blue or red under UV light. It has been used to make cement and mortar and very clear translucent calcite has been used to make gun sights and geological (polarizing) microscopes.
Green Calcite Geological Description
Calcite is a calcium carbonate mineral with a hardness of 3. It comes in a wide variety of forms and colours and is found on every continent of the world. Calcite makes up the major part of marble and limestone. Green Calcite occurs in massive form rather than crystals and the most abundant source is from Mexico.
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