Smoky Quartz Polished Form
Place this beautiful Smoky Quartz Polished Form on your desk to stay grounded and focus during your working day. Looking at this elegant shape daily will keep you inspired and motivated to reach your goals.
Smoky Quartz Meanings
Keywords: Grounding, transmutation of negative energy, practicality, organisation, manifestation of one’s dreams and inspirations
Chakra: Base
Element: Earth
Zodiac Signs: Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn
Number: 6
Smoky Quartz Crystal Healing Properties:
Smoky Quartz is one of the most powerful grounding and clearing stones available. It cleanses and clears the aura and energetic systems, grounding it for reprocessing by the Earth. Smoky Quartz can be used to counter the negative effects of radiation and electromagnetic fields.
Smoky Quartz History and Uses:
Smoky Quartz ranges in colour from pale tan to chocolate brown to grey and black, the colour of Smoky Quartz is dependant on the amount of natural irradiation it has been exposed to in the earth. The dark black opaque variety of Smoky Quartz is also referred to as Morion and Scottish Smoky Quartz is called Cairngorm. It was cut into flat plates in 12th Century China and used as sunglasses.
Smoky Quartz Geological Description:
Smoky Quartz is a member of the quartz family, a silicon dioxide mineral with a hardness of 7. Its colour varies from pale tan to deep chocolate, and is caused by natural irradiation. Smoky Quartz is found in Brazil, Australia, Madagascar, Switzerland and the USA.
Affirmation: Connecting to the powerful energy of the earth allows me to be centered and focusSmoky