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Bloodstone Meanings

Strength, courage, purification, vitality

Chakra: Base

Element: Earth

Zodiac Signs: Aries, Libra, Pisces

Birthstone: February, March, December

Wedding Anniversary: 14th year

Number: 4 & 6

Bloodstone Crystal Healing Properties

Bloodstone has been known to provide strength and stamina to the body, instilling the courage and self-confidence to be true to one’s heart. It can provide support to persevere in difficult situations and aid in making difficult decisions. This stone has been viewed as the spiritual warrior. Traditionally, it has been used to treat all types of blood disorders and is believed to help balance female hormones.

History and Uses

Bloodstone is also known as Heliotrope from the Greek words helios, meaning sun and trepein to attract . It varies in colour from dark geen to blueish green to black with either red yellow or white spots, the yellow spotted variety is called Plasma. In the ancient world it was used for seals and amulets and its use in healing goes back 5000 years to ancient Mesopotamia. It was a favourite of warriors because it was believed to staunch wound and increase courage. In the Middle Ages the red inclusions of iron oxide or Jasper in this Chalcedony stone were thought to be spots of Christ’s blood which gave these stones magical powers of protection.

Geological Description

Bloodstone is a variety of chalcedony with a hardness of 6.5 to 7. It is found in India, China, Brazil, Australia and the USA.


I expand my boundaries to get out of my comfort zone.

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