Ruby Zoisite Tumbled Bracelet
Add this beautiful Ruby Zoisite Tumbled Bracelet to your bracelet collection. This piece shows off lovely natural Ruby Zoisite beads which have been tumble polished and threaded onto a strong elastic.
Beaded bracelets are often stacked to work with multiple crystal energies, colours or styles. Explore our full collection here.
Ruby Zoisite Meanings
Increase in inner and outer development, awakening of the true self, joyful engagement with life, healing, increase in life force
Chakras: Base, Heart, Third eye
Element: Storm
Zodiac Signs: Aries, Aquarius
Number: 2
Ruby in Zoisite Crystal Healing Properties
Ruby in Zoisite offers the energy of happiness, appreciation, abundance, vitality and growth. It is felt to stimulates the heart by helping one to open up to divine love. Zoisite may help to alleviate grief, anger, despair and defeat. Furthermore, it is thought to be a powerful stone for deep healing by activating the body’s defences and healing mechanisms. It is believed to be an energising healer on a physical level and may be helpful for restoring vitality after radiation, chemotherapy or pharmaceutical treatments.
History and Uses
Also called Tanganyika Artstone or Anyolite from a Massai word “anyoli” meaning green, this stone made of green Zoisite, Ruby and black Tschermakite was first found in 1956 near Logido in Tanzania.
Geological Description
Zoisite is a calcium aluminium silicate with a hardness of 6.5 to 7. Its crystal system is orthorhombic with prismatic crystals. Green Zoisite with Rubies is found in India.
I am grateful for the infinite abundance on Earth.