Pink Amethyst

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Pink Amethyst Meanings

Compassion, emotional balance

Chakras: Heart, Crown

Element: Wind

Zodiac Signs: Pisces, Virgo, Aquarius, Capricorn

Birthstone: February

Number: 8

Pink Amethyst Healing Properties

Pink Amethyst is felt to exude a soothing, spiritually protective energy fostering unconditional Divine love. Working with Pink Amethyst is believed to bring peace of mind and feelings of self-empowerment by opening the  heart to compassion and higher awareness. It is thought to support shedding feelings of inadequacy, enabling self-love and care, allowing our most joyful and positive self to shine through.

History and Uses

Pink Amethyst is a relatively rare and recent discovery in the crystal world. It has been used to promote peaceful sleep, calming the mind and banishing nightmares. Its comforting energy may also be helpful to those who are transitioning into the afterlife and those who are grieving or heartbroken. It is felt to encourage positive self-image, forgiveness and a non-judgemental attitude.

Geological Description

This crystal is part of the Quartz family with a trigonal crystal system and a hardness of 7.

Its pink colour comes from trace amounts of iron and/or manganese. It is found in the Rio Grande do Sul region of  Brazil as well as Uruguay, Argentina, Russia, Paraguay and the USA.


I surrender to the energy of love to find inner peace.

Pink Amethyst Heart with standPink Amethyst Heart with stand
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Brazilian Pink Amethyst SphereBrazilian Pink Amethyst Sphere
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Uruguayan Pink Amethyst ClusterUruguayan Pink Amethyst Cluster
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