Dioptase Meanings
Forgiveness, compassion, release of karmic patterns, prosperity
Chakra: Heart
Element: Water
Zodiac Signs: Sagittarius, Scorpio, Virgo
Number: 8
Dioptase Crystal Healing Properties
Dioptase is believed to have a healing influence on the heart, facilitating liberation from the constraints of our past experiences. Consequently, it enables us to embrace our utmost potential with a sense of contentment and serenity.
Additionally, it is thought to assist in the process of forgiveness and the release of karmic patterns, granting us the empowerment to express our authentic selves. Similarly, it may aid in dispelling feelings of scarcity and foster a mindset of abundance.
History and Uses
Dioptase was known to the prehistoric world. Three Neolithic pottery statues dated 7200BC were found with their eyes outlined with Dioptase paint. It was more recently rediscovered in a mine in Kazakhstan in the 18th century. At first, it was mistaken for Emerald due to its vibrant green colour. In 1797, it was named by the French mineralogist Rene Just Hauy after the Greek words dia “through” and optos “visible” referring to the way in which it can be seen to cleave in three directions inside the crystals.
Geological Description
Dioptase is a copper silicate mineral with a hardness of 5. Its prismatic crystals terminate in rhomboidal faces. It is found in arid climates in Chile, Namibia, Russia and the USA.
I extend forgiveness and let go of the former patterns that have hindered my progress, embracing with an open heart the abundant blessings that enrich my life.